LAVINA FLOOR polished concrete is the most efficient and economical solution for industrial and commercial floors.
Polished concrete does not contain a top layer - and this is one of the main advantages. The concrete surface is ground, polished by a planetary machine, chemically hardened and impregnated with SPECIAL PRODUCTS, which makes it resistant to abrasion.
Polished concrete is done by GRINDING MACHINES.
Grinding is done with a DIAMOND TOOL on a metal bound with different grits
Polishing is performed with a polymer-based DIAMOND TOOL with different grits
Finishing polishing is done with DIAMOND TOOLS or DIAMOND PADS
Polished concrete is often referred to as Superfloor. This is a very high quality and durable finish. Polished concrete is also a lucrative and highly profitable business.
If you want to learn how to make polished concrete, need help in choosing equipment and tools - CONTACT US