- Beton555 Sale
- Floor Grinders and Polishers
- Scarifiers, shavers and accessories
- Floor scrapers
- Diamond, PCD Tools
- Diamond Pads, Screens
- Hand Grinders and Tools
- Industrial Dust Extractors
- Densifaers, Sealers and dyes
- Power Trowel Grinding and Polishing
- Power Trowels, Pans and Blades
- Diamond floor cutting
- Floor Scrubbers (ride-on, walk behind)
- Polished Concrete Sample
- 555 Machines rental
- 555 Workshops
- Amano Pioneer Eclipse 17.02.2022
- Instrukcja nakładania barwników 07.10.2021
- 5 627,27 EUR 5 627,27 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 2 715,91 EUR 2 715,91 EUR Nett /post-tax
- from 48,17 EUR from 48,17 EUR Nett /post-tax
- from 36,14 EUR from 36,14 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 23,66 EUR 23,66 EUR Nett /post-tax
- from 52,35 EUR from 52,35 EUR Nett /post-tax
- from 144,79 EUR from 144,79 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 28,43 EUR 28,43 EUR Nett /post-tax
Recently added
- 27 045,45 EUR 33 265,91 EUR 27 045,45 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 21 000,00 EUR 25 830,00 EUR 21 000,00 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 15,68 EUR 19,29 EUR 15,68 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 124,32 EUR 152,91 EUR 124,32 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 5 102,27 EUR 6 275,80 EUR 5 102,27 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 961,36 EUR 1 182,48 EUR 961,36 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 83,86 EUR 103,15 EUR 83,86 EUR Nett /post-tax
- 7,60 EUR 9,35 EUR 7,60 EUR Nett /post-tax
Short-term rental of grinders is the ability to periodically grind floors or polish concrete without the need to purchase grinding equipment. With the ability to rent a planetary grinder, you don't have to give up on occasional orders like sanding concrete floors, making polished concrete, which requires your own grinding equipment. The rented grinders are new, properly maintained, in good technical condition and guaranteed to work properly, designed by the distributor.
Category is in re-work process
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